Leah talks with Jamie Ivey of The Happy Hour Podcast and has all the chill she can muster after spilling her water from nerves and failing to selfie during this interview. They talk about sharing your story and how that can be lived out as a gift – the gift of letting others live out their stories as well.
About Jamie Ivey
Jamie Ivey is a podcaster, writer, and speaker from Austin, Texas. She is the proud mama to four kids and the wife to Aaron, worship pastor of The Austin Stone Community Church. Jamie loves to encourage women to passionately follow Jesus through any stage of life. She does this through writing and her weekly podcast, The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey. Jamie’s debut book “If You Only Knew: My Unlikely, Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free,” releases January 2018.
If You Only Knew by Jamie Ivey
Jamie Ivey and The Happy Hour Online
Jamie Ivey – Facebook – Instagram
Leah and Life Around the Coffee Cup Online
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