What a week we have had here at The Respect Dare.
We had some great posts from our blogging team.
Nina on Dare 4 and flunking the Biblical wife assessment.
Debbie has one for the teens and one for the twenty-somethings.
and Leah talks about keeping up with little kiddos.
We also had some posts come in our linky.
And since we’re talking about keeping the home, here’s a great resource on cleaning up and getting organized from Mary.
Are you blogging as you go through The Respect Dare with us? Do you have something you’d like to share related to one of the dares? If so, be sure to leave your weekly link (or something you did in the past!) on the dare post of the week, either on Nina, Debbie, or my blog. We’d love to share some stories of this incredible journey that God has us all on as we learn about respecting our husbands (and kiddos!).
This week we start on Dare 4. If you haven’t grabbed your copy yet, you’ve still got time! We’d love to have you join us.
Also, head’s up! —> I’m doing a giveaway this week!! Stay tuned. I’m *hoping* to put it up tomorrow. I am SO excited.
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