Guys, my favorite resource of the year is releasing April 11-16 – THE ULTIMATE HOMEMAKING BUNDLE!!
I love this bundle because it’s just like sitting in a room with a bunch of people who have been there, done that, and have wisdom to share!
Below I've outlined my top picks in each category, answered the most frequently asked questions, and included a special bonus for the LATCC community.
P.S. I made my top picks in each category. I also included the prices so you can easily see that just a couple of resources in each category make the bundle super worth it!!
LATCC Special Bonuses
I want to thank you for being a Life Around the Coffee Cup listener, reader, and supporter. Bundles like this is what helps keep the lights on around here at LATCC and it makes a difference for my family.
So as a 'Thank You' for buying this year's Ultimate Homemaking Bundle through my links (any link or button on this page that sends you to the bundle page gives me a portion of the sale without costing you any extra!) I'll send you ebook copies of Intentional Love: 31 Ways to Love Your Husband with Purpose and Intentional Love: 31 Ways to Love Your Wife with Purpose, directly to your email. More about the books here.
When you get your receipt from the UB team, just forward it to me at and I'll email you back with my books. Pair up our book bundle with the printable Date Night Kit and you've got yourself some great, intentional time to build into your marriage!
Marriage/Family - Top Picks
- Date Night Kits ($8.97) - Printable pack has everything you need to make date night envelopes for a year. This would make an awesome gift all set for your sweetie or for a bridal shower gift!
- So Many Littles, So Little Time ($7.99) - Helps you find margin in very full mom-of-little days and see the joy in this season.
- Family Culture ($12.99) - Completely customizable pack helps you go through what your family values are and identify them to and with your kiddos, and so much more!
- The Steady Mom’s Freedom Guide ($2.99) - Helps you play to your strengths as a mom!
Faith - Top Picks
- Planting Seeds ($7.99) - Lots of ideas for helping you teach the Bible to your kiddos.
- Godly Character Traits ($9.95) - Tools for instilling 15 character traits in your kiddos.
- Write Through the Word ($20.00) - Scripture study and journaling to help you tuck God's word in your heart.
- Simplifying Prayer ($17.00) - Practical steps to grow your prayer life.
- Bible Study Methods ($15.00) - Explore 7 methods in 7 days to help you grow in how you study God's Word
- Choose Rest ($37.00) - Video course on biblical self care
Work at home - Top Picks
- Balancing Diapers and Deadlines ($47.00) - Course designed to help you grow in your WAHM life without sacrificing family time
- Jumpstart Your Virtual Assistant Career ($29.00) - Workbook to help you kick off this great and in-demand WAHM career
- Social Side Hustle ($197.00) - 21 days to become a social media manager - as a side hustle or full time gig
- The Complete Digital Cake Business Start Up Kit ($149.00) - Everything you need to start a cake business that works around your family and your schedule and you make cake - yum
In The Kitchen - Top Picks
- Cooking Camp for Kids ($8.00) - Get those kiddos in the kitchen, learning to cook, with kid-friendly, easy to read and follow recipes. Yum.
- Sit Down and Eat ($9.95) - Fun ideas for making meal times memorable.
- Freezer Meal Club ($49.99) - Better than a cookie exchange because it feeds whole families, get the tools you need to start a freezer meal club and
- keep that freezer STOCKED!
Budgeting + Finances - Top Picks
- Growing Up Centsible ($9.99) - Parent and kid activities to help kiddos grow up financially responsible.
- Real Food Savings ($4.99) - No coupons for whole foods, so learn other ways to save!
- You Can Be A Stay At Home Mom ($9.99) - Learn how to save money by cutting costs you didn't realize you could cut and earn more with work
- from-home ideas that can bring in extra income, all while being home with your family.
Household - Top Picks
- 12 Months of Simplified Living ($47.00) - Daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and quarterly chores for the house and family are included -- no more guessing!
- Housekeeping Chore Box ($9.00) - Help you to keep track of the chores in the home.
- Peaceful Press Chore Pack ($5.00) - Train children (and you!) on making healthy habits a priority.
- Motivated ($9.99) - Caring for your home when you don't feel like.
Homeschooling - Top Picks
- My Kitchen, My Classroom ($9.00) - Inspiration for the homeschool mom.
- Teach Me To Serve ($3.99) - 99 practical ways that kids as young as preschool can serve in their home, neighborhood, and beyond.
- Organize Your Homeschool in 20ish Day ($4.75) - Step by step getting your homeschool area in order.
Self-Care + Intentional Living - Top Picks
- The Literary Medicine Cabinet ($7.99) - Create the perfect list of reads to promote self-care.
- 1 Hour to Better #bookstagram ($15.00) - Use this hashtag to curate a reading list that's perfect for you.
- 100 Coloring Pages ($20.00) - Perfect for homeschool, roadtrips, or any old day - coloring is so cathartic!
- Medical Binder Printables ($7.00) - Everything you need to have your family's medical records all in one place.
- Travel Planner Printables ($2.00) - Plan, Organize, and Journal your next trip!
Bundle FAQ
How much does the bundle cost? $29.97 (that's more than 98% off!)
What's included in the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle? This digital library contains over 120 ebooks, courses, and printables to encourage you and help you grow in all of the ways you're making a home.
How long is this available in one digital library? One week - April 11-16.
Do you use every resource? O, heck no. I usually get the bundle for about 5-12 resources that I'm specifically looking for (those alone make the price worth it) and then I have an awesome digital library to look through when I have questions, need new recipes, or encounter an unexpected situation.
With all the resources, where do I start? Ask yourself:Where do you feel like you need the most help right now? Here's my answer: My oldest really wants to learn how to cook so I looked for kids' cooking resources. I don't want my flexibility in time with God to mean not doing it, so resources on growing in that. Great things to keep in my back pocket for homeschool with littles. And resources to help me be the mom I want to be while also working at home.
Did I see that it came with bonuses? O, yeah. The bonuses in this bundle are amazing and I ordered almost every. single. one. Kiwi Crate. Scribd. Strawsome. They are additional free or deeply discounted products that you get access to because you bought the bundle.
How long do I have access to the bundle? You have a full year to down load any or all of the goodies or you can grab them all at once.
I've bought this bundle before. Is it the same content? NO! Every year, the Ultimate Bundles team curates a brand new bundle collection. And every year they listen to what you want more and less of and make changes accordingly. They love making this bundle as much as we love using it!
I see you and some of my other favorite bloggers promoting the bundle. How do I decide who to buy from? All of us really appreciate how you support and encourage us and our families. That being said, I know it's a hard choice because you really want to support everyone. I know how I would decide but you really can't make a wrong decision. 🙂