If you give your husband a kiss, he'll probably want a hug to go with it. You'll nestle your head under his chin, and just breathe him in. The smell … [Read more...] about If You Give Your Husband a Kiss…
5 Verses to Focus On During Labor and Delivery
12 short days ago, D Day, my due date, came and went. I was sure I wouldn't go over, not this time. My due date was super accurate. I thought for sure … [Read more...] about 5 Verses to Focus On During Labor and Delivery
Why I Don’t Get Up Before My Kids In the Morning
If you are a mom and you are looking for ways to have better days, to get more done, to get everything off on the right foot, then you've probably … [Read more...] about Why I Don’t Get Up Before My Kids In the Morning
What I Didn’t Realize I Was Praying For My Kids for Four Years
When we brought home our first baby, she had this really cute quirk where she would be the most awake starting at 11 pm and lasting until about 2am. … [Read more...] about What I Didn’t Realize I Was Praying For My Kids for Four Years
Ode to My French Press
A few months ago, I had a friend who sent me a sign. It now sits in my kitchen. It reads "I can do all things through prayer and coffee." I feel … [Read more...] about Ode to My French Press
Think of a mom. Encourage a mom. Love on a mom.
My high school French teacher had these Friday round table discussions he called Socratic Seminars. Every week he would pose these questions that made … [Read more...] about Think of a mom. Encourage a mom. Love on a mom.