Hi Friends!! It’s time for the Monthly Pick-Me-Up! If you’re new or maybe don’t know what the Monthly Pick-Me-Up is, it’s an opportunity for us to get to know one of our community members and then send her some mail. For the full explanation on the MPMU, click here.
Meet Christine, This Month’s Monthly Pick-Me-Up

Tell us a little bit about yourself:
Hi, I’m Christine. I’m a 33 year old momma of three boys ages 7, 5, and 5 months. The hubs and I have been together for fourteen years this month, ten of them married (woo HOO!). By day, I homeschool my two oldest boys. By night I’m a blogger (check it out), freelance writer, and newly self-published author of Experience Christmas. In my spare time (if there is spare time) I love to read, sew and bake (which often gets me into lots of trouble). I’d like to believe that there are no calories in heaven – and if that’s true – I’ll be drinking Starbucks lattes, and eating Chicago style deep dish pizza and chocolate ice cream for all of eternity.
What is something that makes you special?
I’d like to think that something special is my ability to communicate through words. I am passionate about my family, about living this one life with them well, and helping them find Jesus. I’m also passionate about connecting others to Christ, which I hope comes through in my writing.
What is your favorite part of online community? Why?
The community. I didn’t find my way into social media or even blogging until I became a stay-at-home mom, and it was a literal life-line for me. I couldn’t get out as much as I used to. My friends and acquaintances had changed (we moved shortly after having our first) and I found myself through the relationships I built with other mommas and bloggers like me.
What is your least favorite part? Why?
The conflict. I am fortunate to have not seen a lot of personal conflict online, but I’ve witnessed it with others, and it can be brutal. People forget that there are real live people on the other end of the computer screen, and we voice things in a way we wouldn’t normally if we were standing face to face with someone. It would be so much better if people filtered their online presence through what they would be brave enough to say face to face.
How do you get community in your every day life?
I have two momma friends that I’ve been spending regular time with since my oldest was 9 months old. When the kids were little we did regular playdates (every other week). As they’ve grown and our life circumstances have changed, we’ve adapted by meeting for coffee at least once a month. Those two girls have been my saving grace.
What is your favorite way to build into others?
Encouraging words. Encouragement goes such a long way and I believe there is always something good you can encourage in someone else.
What if your favorite way to have others build into you?
Encouraging words. Funny how we often show love the way we need to be loved. 🙂
Is there anything else we should know about you?
As I mentioned before I’m a blogger and author. Experience Christmas is a Christmas devotional designed to walk the reader through the 25 days of Advent in a way that reaches not only their mind, but their heart as well, through Scripture, song, reflection, and prayer. I also write regularly on my blog www.christinetrevino.com about faith, family, and creativity.
Read any good books lately?
YES! Oh my word, I’ve been on a huge historical Biblical fiction binge of late. I try very very hard to read non-fiction, but I just always find myself loving (and devouring) a good novel. A few of my favorites are Angela Hunt’s Esther and Bathsheba, which has lead to somewhat of an obsession with the life of King David of the Bible. I just finished Michal, from Jill Eileen Smith’s Wives of King David series and am currently reading A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards. Abigail and Bathsheba, also by Jill Eileen Smith are on hold from the library :).
What is your favorite post or topic at Life Around the Coffee Cup
I love how Leah really invests in her readers through this particular outlet. It’s so creative and really builds a sense of community. I also was really affected by your marriage series last month. Opened up some great conversations with the hubs.
How do you take your coffee and how many cups a day do you drink?
Brewed in the Keurig with 3 tablespoons of Italian Sweet Creme creamer (if I’m at home, and because I’m trying to shed the baby weight). Trying to make it on one.

Ok friends, you know what to do! Let’s send Christine some love this month! Here’s how and where to do it:
Leah Heffner PO Box 1044 Kingston, TN 37763 (please mark envelope MPMU or I might think it’s for me, open it, and then spill on it keep it!)
or email it to me at leahheffnerblog (at) gmail (dot) com
Get them post marked by March 30 so I can get them to Christine in one big package of fun!
Thanks for joining with me to support sisters in this community!
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