Yes I know it’s Tuesday. To be honest, I couldn’t wait another day for yesterday’s post, so I didn’t. That’s #leahlogic for you. I know, I know.
So here is this week’s video which includes some juicy dish that is an extension of yesterday’s post. (So yea, if you didn’t read it yet, go read, come back, then watch.)
Cutie Family Quotes
“This is my mother, Leah. She is SOOO different.” Lemonade, my 3 year old introducing me.
“Mom you know we have buses in this country too!” Lemonade, on why our friends no longer need their car after moving to Brazil
“Mom I NEED my privacy bag!” Lemonade
“Ok, but honey, can you tell me what privacy means?” Me
“It means stuff we need to look out for.”
“So what kind of things do you put in your privacy bag?”
“Books I want to look through.”
“I be fine.” Dozer, age 2, his answer to pretty much everything
Pregnancy Update
I’m 27 weeks. Baby is great. I’m great. I’m a hippo. But I’m great. Seriously my belly has never been this big. It already hurts to sit. I waddle. And I have a WAYS to go. Looking into one of those belly support bands, because, you know, I need another reason to be sweating. Why, by the way, did someone think it was a good idea to cover the belly completely with maternity pants? I’m already an incubator people!
On The Homestead
Well, the pickles are steady. A little too steady. So. Many. Pickles. I am not doing a great job of keeping up as I work to get caught up with other work.
Our zucchinis were great then I think something laid on our plants whilst it feasted and they look sad now.
And we have one monster of a pumpkin but the rest have rotted off. Which is a bummer. I was hoping for just tons of pumpkins because what is more fun in the fall?
In Other News
I have shaggy 70s hair which you can see in the video. It’s driving me CRAZY so I ordered some crazy wide work out head bands today. Hoping this helps. Because I just can’t even.
Also, went through some of the worksheets for Get Your Groove On today and they were REALLY helpful as I look at planning days with my kids and working more. And if you’ve read it, I’d LOVE to hear how it’s helped you. You can comment or you can leave on any of my social media (right side bar). That would make me happy.
I love lingering! Some of our best connections as a family have come as lingering.
I am learning to really indulge in the lingering. More snuggles. More stories. More conversations. I really am seeing value in this new skill. I’m glad to hear that this has been true in your family also!
I had Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction when pregnant with my third. Oh my goodness. I could barely move. Top that with polyhydroaminos and I was a mess and huge. There was a point when moving hurt so badly, that I couldn’t roll over in bed without a pillow between my knees and a push from my husband. I had to use a support band. Go with it. It does seem to help with the pain that comes from being ginormous, though it won’t hold your Pubis bones together. For that, you need to develop a nice, slow, fluid walk and play you don’t need to move once you are in a horizontal position.
Wow. This sounds amazingly uncomfortable. You go mama making it through this!