Did anyone else have a week that just evaporated last week? That’s what I felt like last week. My week evaporated. I have two tabs with new posts started and they got about half way done. I’m sorry. Will you please forgive me?
If it helps I have a cute little video I made where I tell you some of my favorite resources I’ve read or re-read in the last year.
The Resources I LOVE:
1. Visionary Marriage by Dr. Rob Rienow / Visionary Parenting by Dr. Rob and Amy Rienow
2. The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
3. The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst
I’d love to hear some of your favorite resources from the last year. You can leave them in the comments – I’d love to check them out.
Or you can leave ideas for other Top 3 videos that you’d like to see.
P.S. I am LOVIN’ being on Instagram. I take pictures of our Heffner Homestead life and sometimes write kind of mini-blog posts on different things and it would be fun to have you join me there. Follow me @LeahHeffner
Baby Update
I’m 12 weeks and I’m feeling pretty good. There is definitely no denying that I’m pregnant so I’m embracing it and I’ve busted out the maternity clothes and the non-maternity clothes I’ve stretched out over the last two pregnancies. Last night I was cooking and felt my belly getting warm and realized I was going to have to start backing up a little more from the stove. Matt jokingly told me to suck in and I couldn’t. It was fairly comical.
The baby is the size of a passion fruit. We still call the baby a Poppyseed (we give all the little ones nicknames before they’re born). My cravings are all over the place but mostly include salty caramel anything, cinnamon rolls (thanks Mom), and pretzel bacon cheeseburgers. And Costco was out of pretzel buns.
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