This morning I woke up and there was light coming in through my window. Too much light. Way too much light for what I have become used to as our “waking hour” of 5 am.
I listened and heard almost no noise, except for the whimpering baby that had awoken me.
I checked the baby monitor. No toddler in her bed.
And no noise.
It was 7:30.
The next hour was a blur.
Feed the baby. Cuddle with husband. Make breakfast for husband. Make lunch for husband. Get juice for toddler. No not that juice. Crying. Two bushels of apples on the floor. Yeah, two bushels. More food for the baby.
This picture pretty much sums up my morning. (It’s worse now, in case you were wondering. There are NO apples left in the bags. 🙂 )
Somewhere along the way, Matt let me know that not only had my water boiled, but he had turned it off after some time of letting it boil.
“Thanks,” I said. “I’ll have to put it back on when I get a chance. Momma always gets her breakfast last.”
“Do you know why that is?” my husband asked.
Time out.
What would YOUR answer to that question be?
Silence. -?
“What choice do I have?” – ?
“Well, it’s not like YOU’d ever wait to have YOUR breakfast last!” – ?
“I don’t matter enough to get to eat with the rest of you. I just do as I’m told.” – ?
“I really enjoy getting to serve my family and then enjoy my coffee.” – ?
Something else? – ?
I think the answer to that question has a lot more to do with our attitude than we think.
Some of these are lies the enemy is feeding us. The lie that we are less valuable than the other people in our house. The lie that by serving we are acting as a doormat. The lie that our husband is a bad guy.
Some of these might have some validity but it’s really more about how we think about them. Like what choice do I have? can turn into joy. I know it’s sounds crazy but try this on. It might not work for you, but give it a try and tweak it a little bit to suit your needs.
What choice do I have? Sometimes I have to try REALLY hard to find joy in a situation. Like when my daughter pees on the floor. Like when my son cries from 1-3am. Like when I have two bushels of apples to pick up from the far reaches of my kitchen. And of course, sometimes it’s easier. Like when my son says “Momma”. Or when my daughter gives me a hug and says “Love you mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy.” Or she washes her own apple for snack.
But I can choose joy no matter what, knowing that God encourages it in His word. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says 16 Be joyful always, 17 pray at all times, 18 be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.Â
I find a lot of joy in drinking hot coffee. While eating my breakfast. While the kids are doing something else so I’m not getting snitched off of. The best chance for this to happen is to just wait.
I find joy in making sure my husband (who is trying to gain weight) has enough to eat at work. I like taking care of him. And he is very thankful for the effort I put in to doing that for him.
I find joy in having a washer and drier at my house to wash wet sheets and towels and clothes and not having to let them sit.
I find joy in my son always finding me and wanting to be close to me. I know all too soon he’ll be done with that and even though I’m exhausted right now, I’ll miss it.
I’m not saying I’m even close to perfect at this – and some days I’m not even good at this! But if we look at the scripture from Thessalonians, there’s even more encouragement. Pray continually. When I can’t find joy in my immediate situation, I can pray thanksgiving for all kinds of things. And I can ask to be shown joy in my current situation.
This morning at 3 am, I plucked up my baby boy and I said “God, I’m exhausted. How do I find joy in this?” I’d love to tell you I got an awesome answer. I didn’t. I laid my son back down, went to the bathroom, and he went to sleep. For 4.5 more hours. He needed his momma. Is it easy to find joy at 3 am? Not really. But it’s there.
And I know I wrote about this before and some people disagreed with me. That’s ok. I still think it’s true. I definitely think that’s what God has been teaching me.
I can choose joy. Even in submission. And that doesn’t make me a doormat. Because my attitude is that of service and love for my family, and an act of worship before God.
So I bet you’re wondering what I answered in the conversation above?
I didn’t get a chance to.
My husband told me that it’s because I’m a good mom and that my family appreciates how I take care of them.
I think I’m a good mom because I choose to find some joy in every situation.
What do YOU think? And would you be brave enough to share below?
Dare you today to think about this oh-so-important thought and see if you can choose joy in hard things. Also know that “feeling like a doormat” is a lie. You are not “less than” because you choose joy. Can you start applying this today?
Have a super weekend, loves.
P.S. We are blogging our way through The Respect Dare. Please subscribe in the side bar, join us on facebook, follow me @LeahHeffner and Nina @RespectDare on twitter, and check out Nina and Debbie‘s blogs. I am loving this series. It’s like having you all in my living room!
P.S.S. I am doing a super awesome giveaway next week. Moms to little ones (and grandmas/nanas/grammies/neenees/gigis) are going to LOVE it. I’m so excited to show it to you. Now to get mine done so I can write the review…
christine says
oh how i can remember those days. And, i really do miss them. I wish I had a blog like this to read for encouragement and to know I was not alone. But I didn’t, so my thoughts were not always very nice, and i let resentment build up for way too long. And that poisons the entire family. My kids are teenagers now, one getting ready to head off to college. and i wonder, where did the time go? Oh, to be able to go back and do it over again, but this time with my head on straight and my heart in the right place. you WILL miss these exhausting days. Believe me, none of my kids were good sleepers and only wanted mommy. it was draining. but i loved it, and i tried to find the joy in things. I just wish i had someone alongside me to remind me to look for the joy because too often i gave into the whining, complaining, martyr-like thoughts in my head. Love your blog!
Leah Heffner says
Thanks for your encouragement. I love your Titus 2 style.
How do you encourage the young wives and moms with little ones in your life these days?
Lois Rqmirez says
Leah, I really enjoyed this. It took me waaaaaay back to when I was a child and mealtimes. I can count on one hand the numbers of times my mom actually sat down to eat a meal with us. She was always busy filling our plates, refilling beverages, removing dirty dishes (sometimes even before we had finished!), and making sure we were all happy. She would eat our leftovers or nibble as she cleaned up. She was always happy doing this, humming or singing as she flitted about the kitchen. This didn’t seem at all odd for me because it was all I knew. Mom was a giver, a nurturer, a server and she loved doing it. It gave her joy to see her family together, enjoying what she had prepared.
Our home had that ‘lived in’ feeling. We were permitted to make tents in the living room with cushions and sheets, dig holes in the yard for mud pie batter, draw on our porcelain tabletop (the only one in town!), play dress up with mom’s clothes and costume jewelry…… the list goes on and on but you get the idea.
We lived in a meager house, had hand me down clothes and never went on a real vacation. But what we had was love and a mom who made life special, who put herself last and who left a lasting impression in our minds and hearts. Least? I think not. We kids saw mom as #1! Just wanted to share.
Leah Heffner says
LIVED IN!?! That is my home-making dream! My crazy mismatched plates. Blankets in piles. Love it.
I really appreciate your comment. It’s like balm to my soul.
I am thankful to have women like you in my life.
Jo Rose says
I needed this reminder today. I have 3 little ones four and under, and I know the time will pass to quickly, so I am trying to treasure the everyday moments even on the long days. Have a lovely day!
Leah Heffner says
Thanks Jo! Would you share how you did that today? I’d love to hear it! -Leah
Jo Rose says
I keep a gratitude journal, which I use to write down funny things that my kids say and do, along with many other blessings. 🙂
Leah Heffner says
Have you done 1000 Gifts? I’m doing it right now and I am LOVING it.
Jo Rose says
Yes, I have the words 1,000 gifts written on my gratitude journal. I read Ann Voskamp’s book a few years ago, and it is really eye-opening. 🙂
Michelle V. says
Love it Leah! We always have a choice we just don’t like that it comes down to our choice! I know when my attitude toward mundane tasks, like laundry or dishes becomes complaining, I choose to find something to be thankful for.
Leah Heffner says
I agree with you! Some days it means that I just have to be thankful I get to stay home with my kids – even if that home is messy and overwhelming. Thanks for your input.
Lou Ann says
Sometimes when I read your thoughts I am thrilled I am in the next phase – my wee ones are now 11,7 and 5. I am a silver lining gal and I laugh my way though life with all of the days with the hilarious things my kids say and do every single day. I do find joy all over, and it has the devil jumping up and shouting all of his lies – that I’m underappreciated, it’s one sided, I’m a doormat – Yadda Yadda Yadda. But my God who pours out the blessings is way bigger that the deceiver so he needs to sit down and SHUT UP!