Dear New Third Base Mom Friend*,
Last night I went to bed thinking that you’d learn the truth about me right up front – papers were scattered across my living room floor, because well, art, and dishes were stacked in my kitchen seriously out of control, and the laundry is piled, albeit behind a closed door. But this is it – I thought this is how you would get me. Messy, maybe even a little messier than usual.
And I was ok with that. Really, I was. I mean, I could have done without the papers scattered all over the living room but rest is a normal part of any given day so I was really fine with it.
Then, last night happened.
After spending two days spreading compost in the garden by hand, my pregnant body hurt. It hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep. And apparently the kids had some sympathy pains and wanted to make sure I had company in my sleeplessness. The Man Cub by demanding juice several times and thus waking up his sister, who then repeatedly peeked out the window, to see if it was day.
So day came all too early at this house, especially when the kids have been sleeping in so well in general. There was no use trying to get him to go back to sleep – once he woke up at 5:30, we were, for the most part, up and at’em.
What does this have to do with you? And my mess? And our first third-base friending experience?
I was so tired, I just kept moving, kept doing something, anything this morning just to stay upright. I made pancakes. Tons of them. I did the dishes. I picked up the floor. I ran a load of laundry. And if it had been slightly warmer it would have been hanging on the line when you got here.
And all of this got me thinking that you might think that I was always like this – that by 10 am my house is clean and tidy and neat and that this is our normal.
This is not our normal. It’s also not abnormal. It’s just a day on the spectrum and how the pendulum swings when the babies sleep or don’t sleep.
But we all know that there’s only one chance at a first impression. And I didn’t want burned into your brain the tidy-house Leah, the dishwasher-humming Leah, the life-and-house-and-kids-together-by-10am Leah.
(And also, it was left that way mostly for me. I said I had to keep moving to not fall asleep. Not that I was trying to qualify for some Olympic housekeeping team. I am the World’s Worst Housekeeper, remember?)
Anyways, in case you were wondering about the crumbs, but too polite to ask on your first visit, now you know why.
P.S. I hope my honesty about my housekeeping makes me desirable as a friend. Please come back again. ๐
*The reference to a third-base mom friend is taken from a book that I love and think is hilarious called ‘Women Are Scary’ by Melanie Dale. Please feel free to read my review here and to check out Melanie’s Book Page.
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