The Winter Olympics have come to a close for another 4 years and whether you soaked up every moment of Virtue/Moir or preferred the big air of the slopes and half pipe or even if you Olympic passion falls more in line with Cool Runnings, there’s no doubt that every two years, Olympic enthusiasm soaks into everything that you do.
So if you’ve been soaking up Olympic joys and wondering what you’ll be doing for the next two years while you wait for the summer games, have no fear my mama friends, because you’re already living the Olympic dream with these events specifically tailored to moms!
Mom Olympics – Winter Games
Warm Coffee Biathlon
In this cross country skiing event, you will take a lap on the course in between each drink of coffee. The temperature of your coffee will be taken after each lap and reheated in a microwave should that be necessary for you to complete your laps.
The 7 Man Bobsled
Push off down the ice and get everyone into the 7-man sled (also known as the Mini Van). Secure all 5 point harnesses and booster seats. Bonus points if none of the kid debris of clothes, snacks, trash, and/or winter apparel escapes while you get everyone in.
Bedtime Speed Skating
This event is really considered a sprint but we all know that for the skaters, it can feel like a marathon. Lap after lap you will tackle common bedtime issues from missing pajama bottoms to toothbrushes falling in the toilet.
Date Night Ice Dancing
When it’s your night to get out of the house, you’re bringing it. From costume to chemistry, you’re all in. Glide and twirl your way to a flawless performance as you avoid traffic, choose a restaurant, eat, talk, and kiss all before you have to get home to relieve the babysitter before she starts charging double.
Morning Sickness Half Pipe
Grab your snowboard for this year’s newest winter event – the Morning Sickness Half Pipe. Instead of the normal sights and smells making you want to puke during your pregnancy, your own spins, flips, grabs, twists, and air time with make you vomit. Don’t worry – your cool snow suit includes a trash can necklace for just this event.
The Flu Downhill Slopestyle
Once you get the flu we can all pretty much agree it’s downhill. Cut in and out of the course as you dispense meds, clean up vomit, run laundry, keep the sippy cups filled, and apply Lysol to every visibly surface.
Crunchy Curling
It’s time to sweep up the competition with your best crunchy remedies. Use essential oils to guide your stone down the ice while sweeping with all natural, organic, compostable materials broom, while researching herbal remedies. Points go to the team that gets the stone to knock over the cloth diaper stash.
Which of these events would be your gold medal event? Or do you have an idea for another great event? Leave your thoughts in the comments!
No mom is an island and I think we are better together. So a special thanks to my sister and Stand for Mom for bouncing ideas around with me for this post.
I love the warm coffee biathalon haha! That’s my life pretty much. 7 man bobsled is also soooooo accurate.