If you’re still following along as we do one dare at a time, this week is #4. It’s called “Vision” and for you grammar nerds like me, this dare is fun.
Instead of talking about what could or will be in the future, we talk about our future as if it is already true.
We use the present tense to talk about our future self.
Why would we do that?
Recently I read a fantastic book called Miracle For Jen in which a teenage girl receives significant brain trauma from a car accident with her family. And in her healing is literally transformed in all ways. I don’t think I would do it justice to try and explain it to you. You should read it.
But what I can (try to) explain is how her prayers are transformed.
In her prayer life after the accident, Jen thanks God for things that haven’t happened yet. She acknowledges things that He has laid on her heart to know and grow in and she thanks Him for bringing them to completion.
This might seem weird, right? Because so often we go to God and we follow the 5-Finger model of prayer or we get all the right parts and it still seems like a wish list. I’m not saying this is true for you, I’m just saying this has been true for me.
So what this does, for me, is remind me that God – in His Trinity – is outside of time, which is, I know, really hard for our time-defined brains and bodies to understand.
I love reading John 1:1-14 where we see Jesus present at creation and see that He stepped out of timelessness to be in time and fellowship and community and body with us. (Find the passage at the bottom of the post 🙂 )
So if God, the one who hears our prayers and knows the deepest desires and wishes of our hearts is outside of time, how does that change our prayer?
When we create a vision for ourselves as the woman, wife, and mother God has called us to be, we CAN talk about it in the present tense like it’s happening right now. We are thanking Him for a work only He can do in His time and His way. Our God who is holy and outside of time is already working on the kajabillion piece puzzle and sees a big picture that we do not yet have the privilege of seeing.
I know it might seem weird to write about something that hasn’t happened yet in the present. Or to be thankful for something that you haven’t yet received. But God is infinitely bigger than time and understanding and He will guide and shape and teach you as you form the vision for your life.
And I love this verse for encouragement today. I hope you do too.
Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
How does this view of a God outside of time help you to shape your vision? Would you share in the comments?
And for support from other Dare-Takers, check out Nina’s blog and Debbie’s blog, subscribe here and check out our social media in the side bar.
P.S. In case you missed the SWEET giveaway this week, you better check out this post.
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