Hey Mama,
We met last week at Bible study. You said that you wanted to read the Bible and pray. You said you wanted to memorize scripture. You said you wanted to be more patient and extend more grace.
You said you’ve read books and blog posts on all kinds of great ideas and things you want to do with your kids and you don’t know where to start. You like all of the ideas you read in a post like this one but on any given day, it all seems so overwhelming.
So you start out and you make it a day or two or even a week. And then you get to a hard spot, a sick kid, a sleepless night, a marathon of canning. And you fall off the wagon. And you feel discouraged and guilty.
Mama, mama, tired mama. Worn out mama. I’m reaching out to hug you mama.
I want to share with you something I’m learning – still learning every day – but I see the impact and I want to share it with you.
Yes, I absolutely see the value in quiet and alone time to study the Word of God. In prayer. In meditation on the Word of God.
I also see that I don’t get a lot of quiet time. Or at least not alone time.
But I do get a lot of opportunities to sit with my babies and pick up a book. Talk to them about what is scaring them or modeling for them how to talk about things or how we make decisions.
These are the moments when you have the most powerful witness available. A Bible story. A prayer of thanksgiving for a great day. Talking about how Jesus is with us when we are scared. Encouragement of talking to Jesus about our hopes and wishes, our friends and our families.
Mama, mama, awesome, wonderful, loving mama. You can do this. If you’re thinking about it, it’s already in you. And the more you work on it, the more it will bubble out of you.
And we’ll be working on ideas here together. I’m calling it Intentional Simplicity – a way for all of us to hit the pause button and see what we’re already doing and how we can grow intentionally.
Along the way there’s going to be some fun giveaways, some new ebooks, and more.
Let’s grow, intentionally. Simply.
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