So I know I said I’m like the Worst MOH Ever, but the shower went super well, you guys. And I wanted to show you all the things and share stuff with you and even tell you some funny stories about it.
I live three states away from where the shower was held and have two toddlers, so that thought process went into every part of the planning. Can I prep that in a couple days? Can I fly with that? Can I get the glue to dry before my son eats this? Will the kids destroy that? Ya know, normal stuff.
The Food
I tried for a long time to convince my sister to have a brunch wedding reception, but that meant an early morning wedding and for some reason no one was as excited about that as I was. So I thought we could do a brunch shower and *BOOM* menu formed. We had quiche, baked overnight French toast, yogurt parfaits with homemade granola, and bacon wrapped mini sausages. (I’m totally one of those cooks who just like, throws stuff in, but if any of these recipes sound appealing, I’ll look for my starting point recipe and then let you know my tweaks. Just let me know in the comments.)
For drinks, we did coffee, and mimosas. I got fancy with the mimosas and had lemonade and orange juice as options. The other pregnant bridesmaid and myself acted as DDs. Just kidding.
The Games
There are definitely tried-and-true shower games, and lame-sauce shower games, and unique-and-clever shower games. I mostly didn’t want to fall into the lame sauce category, so I looked for different game ideas on Pinterest (ironic, eh?) and came up with this “game plan”. (That was punny.)
Also some people just don’t like playing party games so I set them up on a table and invited people to choose the ones they were interested in playing.
I got two jars and lots of pieces of paper and asked people to write an idea for a game night in and a game night out and put it in the correct jar.
Supplies: (2) jars, small cut pieces of paper, pens
Marriage Mad Libs
Mad lib for marital advice. Who doesn’t love a good mad lib?
Supplies: pens, printed MarriageMadLibs
Disney Love Songs
I found and then made a matching game of Disney love songs and their Disney movie. That was fun.
Supplies: pens, printed DisneyLoveSongs
Jenga Blessings
My sister and her fiance are majorly huge game-loving folk. So at a previous shower,they had written marriage blessings or advice on the Jenga blocks. Then they would have them to read later when they played. So since the blocks weren’t all covered, we included this in our game fest as well.
Supplies: Jenga game, fine-point Sharpies
I found a game to pin the beard on the groom as a shower game. However, my sister’s fiance is more a of a bow-tie fella so we played Pin the Bow Tie on the Groom.
Supplies: poster board, large printed picture of groom’s face, mad coloring skills, cut bow ties, double-sided tape
The Bride or the Groom?
Loosely based on that wedding reception game where the bride and groom vote, I asked general questions and then had the guests vote whether they thought it was the bride or groom for the answer. We played while opening gifts to kind of mix things up.
We also had the benefit of having both the bride and groom in attendance so then they voted and played along too, to get the answer.
Supplies: printed BrideGroomQuestions, voters (I used veils and bow ties on popsicle sticks)
The Decorations/Theme
Listen, y’all, it was totally by accident that there were decorations at this shower. I hosted this shindig at my aunt’s house and she asked what I was doing for a theme and decorations and I said “Uhh, what?” but then I thought “Well I can buy like balloons right?” (Thanks, Miriam.)
Anyways, at some point I started putting umbrellas on stuff and voila. I had a theme.
Then, I decided what to make her for a gift, and I accidentally had an UP theme on my hands. So, two themes for the price of one with me. Yes sir, that’s how I roll.
So part of how the umbrellas came about was from me wanting to make mugs as favors. Mugs, coffee, brunch. I smell a theme…
Only I had a ton of problems finding oven safe mugs so then I decided I mug cozies would be cool.
But then I found the mugs and still want the cozies. So I made them. I had to sew, people. Sew. I love my sister. I sew for almost no one.
And I asked a family friend to make cut out sugar cookies (she makes the prettiest stinkin’ cookies that are soooooo good) and put a couple in each mug. Voila, take home favor for everyone.
Funny Stories
O, and I promised you a funny story. So here it is.
I got sick apparently from the plane ride up north. And while I almost never take cold medicine, I really wanted to feel better to host this shower. Only, I’m pregnant and pregnant people can’t take cold medicine. So good thing I have some natural remedies up my sleeve, and I took some apple cider vinegar which while it really helps with my stuffiness, always makes me feel a little yucky in the tummy.
So I woke up Saturday morning and thought, I should do that again! And did a shot of ACV. Well, it wasn’t the best idea I ever had. And I was extremely sick trying to get out of the house and rally the troops, and thank goodness for my family seriously. I totally yacked just as it was time to walk out the door. But then I totally felt better and the shower went off without a hitch.
True story.
So, sissy, I know you did and I’m so glad you enjoyed your shower. I’m so honored to be you Matron of Honor. Getting ready to celebrate in a few weeks. Me, my waddley self, and my loud and messy entourage.
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